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Friday, March 11, 2011


What about some normal everyday activities that can be considered exercise? Because think about it as you go through your day you are becoming a healthier person. You are no longer taking “special workout” time from your daily activities but your making your daily activities your workout, could life be any better? Well of course it can but that is beside the point. The point is what are some exercises that can be done so as to do a “daily activities workout”?

Playing with your kids. Children are wonderful things there so cute when there born, they love you “THIS MUCH’’ (hands spreading out) and they never ever stop playing. Now the never ever stop playing part can be to our advantage for example hae you every thought about maybe taking some time to play with your child for let’s say 30 minutes? How many calories do you think that you will burn rolling around, playing football, wrestling or whatever have you with your cute little bundle of joy? But, don’t think just about the calories, also keep in mind that instead of working out first and then going home very tired and having you child attack you because of extreme boredom you will have spent 30 minutes- 1 hour of quality play and exercise time. Also not only that but think of the good that playing together will be on both your health and that of your child.

Wash the SUV every once in a while. I imagine that many of you are owners of cars. How does a good old fashioned rag and super sponge hand wash sound for your car? When was the last time you washed your car yourself? Of course an auto wash is better than pre-buttered toast but the thing is washing your car by hand is pretty good physical activity. Think about it you reaching up over the roof, your bending down to the tires and walking around in circles making sure everything is just right. In fact I think that if I owned a Escalade I probably should have a washboard stomach by now.

Take the long road. When you are going to the post office, picking up the dry cleaning or what have you do you fight with the 99 year old lady with the broken hip for the last front-door parking space? Well first thing off keep in mind that the 99 year old lady will be extremely disappointed in you and secondly you are not doing yourself any favors. Really when you think about it if the distance that you walk from your car to the front door of whatever building causes you to break a sweat that is most definitely a very good thing.

These were some suggestions for som easy exercises that anyone can do during the usual daily grind. What do you guys do?


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