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Friday, March 11, 2011


The hardest thing in the world to do with anything is starting something. The start of something is has and always will be the most difficult thing to do. And yes seeing the success of people do encourage us but they also can make us feel horrible inside that we are not that person but when you are at the start of something you unfortunately seem to always have to be looking “up” and usually what you see is someone already beat you to the top. So what can you do to stay on the metaphorical “ball”? What can we do to exercise easy starting today until we too are at the top? What are simple things that we all can do from home to keep us motivated? Because seriously  joining a health club or a fitness circle or something to that effect probably are not the most realistic options we may have at our disposal. We have to keep in mind that we are people who have families and we need to maintain them. So what is there to do?
Music keeps the rythym even when we don’t. “Music calms the savage soul”, or so they say,  personally I have met very few savage souls who where into music, but nonetheless music can encourage the soul who exercises. I mean really if the Vikings could use music to move war ships why can’t we use music to move our exercise regiment? Okay we will leave the Vikings be but the thing is this if you like music, and even if you are not too into music, try to bring it into your exercise regiment. Although let’s not be too adamant about this music thing try maybe: radio, podcasts, audiobooks etc…
Keeping realistic goals. Remember when you started working? Maybe you had really high expectations when you started or maybe as a child you thought you had so much potential. But when you started actually working or you found that first job, what happened? Suddenly those dreams that little Johnny or little Erica had came crashing down but what can you do you have to work. Well something similar happens every once in a while with exercising but the thing is when this usually happens, since exercising is not viewed as something as important as maintaining a job, whatever exercise routine or plan suddenly disappears. So to counteract that terrible childhood habit of expecting way too much we need to learn to as adults start the adult habit of putting realistic goals and remember that the majority of things that we will try to do will not work- immediately at least.
Who ever said you had to do this alone. Have you ever been dragged into something that you never wanted anything to do in the first place? But the thing was you had to do it because your best friend just begged and begged for your help or you accompaniment or your time. What happened to you? Well because of your friend you felt obligated to follow through ever though against your will. Well something similar can happen with a exercise program. Because think about it imagine if you included at least one person in your exercise plan? Better yet what about your family (if you have small children it is even better)?  Could it be possible that through the persistence of family or friends you could feel somewhat obligated to “follow” through? Well the thing is that the chance of you leaving behind and forgetting you exercise routine is greatly reduced. Especially if you have younger children because the truth is if you tell a child that we are all going out as a family to play, walk or whatever your child will bug you until there is no end. So really we never have to be alone.
          Keep in mind what you are really doing to yourself. If you are driving and you are coming to a stoplight and you apply pressure to the brake obviously your car will loose speed and eventually stop, but what will happen if you let go of the brake? Well, again obviously you will hit the car in front of you. What is the point? Well like the car crash we will have consequences if we suddenly stop a exercise program. In the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise researchers studied the effects that a stop in exercise and with inconsistent exercise comes consistent weight gain (source: Williams, Paul T. Asymmetric Weight Gain and Loss from Increasing and Decreasing Exercise. Med & Sci Spts & Ex. 40(2):296-302, February 2008. ). In other words stopping a exercise program has truly terrible results. So even though the start of something does not look so promising remember we can end up like the car and crash something we do not want so instead think of the good you will do not today but in the future for your OVERALL health and just keep in mind the immediate consequences of stopping today.


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