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Friday, November 4, 2011

Sugar the world’s most addictive, addiction.

Recently studies have shown that sugar can with time and repeated abuse can have a similar effect on the human brain to that of cocaine, nicotine and other drugs.

Believe it or not but that beautiful chocolate cupcake that you so adore could very well fit into the definition of an addiction, because recent studies on the matter have shown that if you are not careful you can be slowly bringing yourself into a “sugar addiction”, so to say.

For example in 2010 scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in found that after feeding rats fatty and sugary products like cheesecake, cake frosting, pound cake and even bacon the activity in their brain showed an increase of activity in the reward and pleasure regions. And even though the rats had access to healthy food all day the preference was heavily laid upon the junk food.

While on the other hand when 26 overweight women were given sips of chocolate milkshake while having a image resonance machine map the effect said milkshakes had on their brains. Then 6 months later when the same women were only shown pictures of milkshakes and had an image resonance machine again map the activity in their brains. The results were very interesting because the women that had gained weight since the last test had now shown reduced activity in the region of the brain that measures satisfaction and reward called the striatum.

Now that is where all the controversy lies because if we slowly overtime need more and more of something before feeling satisfaction or reward well then we will want more and more and most likely will not know when to stop. 

Another study that illustrates very clearly this effect is where at Princeton university a study was done where a group if rats were given a water and sugar solution. Interestingly enough keep in mind that this sugar solution was pretty much the same percentage of water to sugar as there is in the majority of soft drinks. And the results of this study was that the rates that would drink this sugary solution would slowly but surely increase their intake and also at the same time change their normal diets, eating less and less of their normal foods.

So yes, in a way that beautiful, delightful and maybe even warm -fresh out of the oven chocolate cupcake could potentially lead you down the dark path of addiction. Although, it is not likely that it will completely destroy your life, the truth of the matter is that care should be exercised. Although on the other hand this is most likely the “sweetest addiction” anyone could ever have....


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