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Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Even the Native Americans hundreds of years ago knew that the Cranberry had substancial health benefits, even thinking that it could treat illnesses. And now for certain through thorough scientific research  that Cranberries can help you live a healthier and longer life. Yes, they may be a little on the tart side, but trust me in the long run they are worth it. And here are some solid reasons why...

Research into how the cranberry is in helping you become a more healthier person has shown that there are compounds found within the cranberry  can help with the prevention of Urinary Tract Infections.

Interestingly enough studies have shown that powerful antioxidants called proanthocyanidins, or PACS for short, are like the bullies that show infections who's boss. And it seems as though it is a very effective way of preventing Urinary Tract Infections because recent studies done at Rutgers University suggest that by just drinking one glass of cranberry cocktail twice a day the benefits of said cocktail starts within only 2 hours of having drank it and can last up to 10 hours.  In fact it effort has been put into extracting the PACS so as to offer people a more condensed, pill form, and less tart way of warding off and bullying their infections into place. Oh, and I almost forgot, but the PACS are not only good for infections but also have been shown to help with preventing plaque build up on teeth.

Also recent research that has delved even further into the beneficial properties of the Cranberry has shown that Cranberries have certain anit-inflammatory properties. So what that means it that by consuming Cranberries you are preventing and protecting yourself from chronic and life threatening diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis and many types of cancer.

Now, yes the Cranberry can be very beneficial if we make it a habit to consume it regularly, but note something that is of great interest. And that is even though scientists have recently tried to extract and condense the different parts of the Cranberry that make it so good for our health, recently a study done at Worchester Polytechnic Institute showed that it is, "not just one certain part or component of the Cranberry that makes it so beneficial to consume", and that in fact we are far from truly understanding what components make the Cranberry beneficial for us.

So in a way I gues we can say that the Cranberry is not just something good for you, but something that when eaten whole, in juice or even as a sauce can prove to be a super food that makes you a healthier person, for

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Have you been eating food that tastes like cardboard with the hope that you will be shedding off the pounds? Well most likely you have been trying to consume products like green tea, soy milk and ground turkey with the hope that these "healthy foods" will help you lose weigh. But the scary truth is that the green tea you are buying at your local grocery store in fact could be making you pack on the pounds.

For example, even though green tea is a healthy choice for anyone, the one you are buying at your local grocery store could very well be loaded with sugar. And the same thing goes with soy milk, because many varieties that are sold in grocery stores are being sweetened with evaporated cane juice. While, on the other hand, that ground turkey you cling to because it is "healthier" in many grocery stores is really in fact loaded with saturated fat even when you compare it to lean ground beef.

Now what about chocolate? Well dark chocolate has been proven to help with the elasticity of red blood cells which can help you maintain good blood flow. Also dark chocolate can help you if you are at risk of a stroke and even maintain that blood pressure problem of yours in check.

Also, coffee it seems is almost constantly being studied and tested and the truth is we are constantly seeing benefits for people who drink black coffee within moderation. For example, coffee has been proven to help retain memory and provide necessary antioxidants for the body. Also coffee has been proven to help with cardiovascular problems and even type 2 diabetes. So yes, that first cup of coffee in the morning really is he best part of waking up.

And now what about beer? Well if you are watching you calories you should chose a light beer but nonetheless consuming beer can provide your body with essential B vitamins. Also, if you drink a dark lager beer your body is receiving lutein, which helps with eyesight, and soludable fiber, which is good for your heart.

So really, why torture yourself with food that could actually be hurting you instead of helping you. Of course by no means you should go overboard and eat without moderation, but nonetheless chocolate, coffee and beer really can help you be a healthier person.

Friday, November 4, 2011

SUPER FOODS: The Strawberry…

What has more nutritious value than an apple, orange or a banana?

They are small, bright red and when compared to apples, oranges and bananas they prove to be more nutrient packed, fat free and lower in calories than any of the before-mentioned. Yes, the strawberry is truly a super food that you should be eating.

In fact pound for pound, I mean ounce for ounce, the humble strawberry has more vitamin C than an orange does and being a great source of pectin the super strawberry can even help you lower your cholesterol.

Also the strawberry has proven effective even in people with liver problems. In fact eating strawberries has been proven to help stimulate liver cells and the renewal of hepatic tissue.

But wait we are not done yet, because the strawberry can also help people with arthritis because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Treat skin burns and even aid in weight loss because of high fiber and aspartic acid content which aids in the removal of excess toxins in the body. So why aren’t you eating your strawberries?

Sugar the world’s most addictive, addiction.

Recently studies have shown that sugar can with time and repeated abuse can have a similar effect on the human brain to that of cocaine, nicotine and other drugs.

Believe it or not but that beautiful chocolate cupcake that you so adore could very well fit into the definition of an addiction, because recent studies on the matter have shown that if you are not careful you can be slowly bringing yourself into a “sugar addiction”, so to say.

For example in 2010 scientists at the Scripps Research Institute in found that after feeding rats fatty and sugary products like cheesecake, cake frosting, pound cake and even bacon the activity in their brain showed an increase of activity in the reward and pleasure regions. And even though the rats had access to healthy food all day the preference was heavily laid upon the junk food.

While on the other hand when 26 overweight women were given sips of chocolate milkshake while having a image resonance machine map the effect said milkshakes had on their brains. Then 6 months later when the same women were only shown pictures of milkshakes and had an image resonance machine again map the activity in their brains. The results were very interesting because the women that had gained weight since the last test had now shown reduced activity in the region of the brain that measures satisfaction and reward called the striatum.

Now that is where all the controversy lies because if we slowly overtime need more and more of something before feeling satisfaction or reward well then we will want more and more and most likely will not know when to stop. 

Another study that illustrates very clearly this effect is where at Princeton university a study was done where a group if rats were given a water and sugar solution. Interestingly enough keep in mind that this sugar solution was pretty much the same percentage of water to sugar as there is in the majority of soft drinks. And the results of this study was that the rates that would drink this sugary solution would slowly but surely increase their intake and also at the same time change their normal diets, eating less and less of their normal foods.

So yes, in a way that beautiful, delightful and maybe even warm -fresh out of the oven chocolate cupcake could potentially lead you down the dark path of addiction. Although, it is not likely that it will completely destroy your life, the truth of the matter is that care should be exercised. Although on the other hand this is most likely the “sweetest addiction” anyone could ever have....
